→ rdfs:label → "National Oceanography Centre"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/building-code-scheme
→ dcterms:spatial → "POLYGON((-1.39663239980559 50.8930507947923,-1.39641099980562 50.8929570947923,-1.39628839980564 50.8930732947923,-1.39610199980566 50.8929879947923,-1.39587149980569 50.8931965947923,-1.3951209998058 50.8928522947923,-1.39498599980582 50.8929631947923,-1.39473689980585 50.8928463947923,-1.39517089980579 50.8924761947923,-1.3950803998058 50.8924380947923,-1.39519209980579 50.8923373947923,-1.39361739980601 50.8916244947923,-1.39348319980603 50.8917348947924,-1.39405149980595 50.8919875947923,-1.39306479980608 50.8928690947923,-1.39373149980599 50.8931832947923,-1.39408429980594 50.8928971947923,-1.39426789980592 50.8929875947923,-1.39417669980593 50.8930473947923,-1.39425489980592 50.8933669947923,-1.39458659980587 50.8933330947923,-1.39456599980587 50.8932491947923,-1.39451539980588 50.8930455947923,-1.39465529980586 50.8929335947923,-1.39563519980573 50.8933876947923,-1.39558919980573 50.8934308947923,-1.39599219980568 50.8936133947923,-1.39609339980566 50.8935246947923,-1.39589579980569 50.8934392947923,-1.39632419980563 50.8930660947923,-1.3965052998056 50.8931611947923,-1.39663239980559 50.8930507947923),(-1.39488639980583 50.8923756947923,-1.39468169980586 50.8925550947923,-1.39401789980595 50.8922535947923,-1.39422259980592 50.8920742947923,-1.39488639980583 50.8923756947923),(-1.39442619980589 50.8926099947923,-1.39422269980592 50.8927871947923,-1.393686899806 50.8925424947923,-1.39389039980597 50.8923652947923,-1.39442619980589 50.8926099947923),(-1.39390499980597 50.8928118947923,-1.393699999806 50.8929915947923,-1.39335329980604 50.8928341947923,-1.39355829980601 50.8926544947923,-1.39390499980597 50.8928118947923))"^^xsd:string
← is
http://data.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/ontology/spatialrelations/within of
← http://id.southampton.ac.uk/point-of-service/68-cafe,
→ rdfs:label → "National Oceanography Centre Campus"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID298150"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID298153"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID298165"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID301544"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID303685"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID303686"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID303703"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID306588"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID306591"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi-function Device (MFD) #PR-ID298041"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "University of Southampton"^^xsd:string
← is
oo:formalOrganization of
← http://id.southampton.ac.uk/building/68,
→ rdfs:label → "School of Ocean and Earth Science"^^xsd:string
← is
oo:organizationPart of
← http://id.southampton.ac.uk/equipment/E10189,
→ rdfs:label → "Building 68 is non-residential"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "NOC Restaurant & Coffee Bar"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "<p>The lattes and restaurant at the National Oceanography Centre is a bright and open venue with scenic views of Southampton water. The room has an all glass veranda, which runs parallel with the restaurant. This area can seat up to 180 people at any function.</p><p>International, pizza & pasta and healthy options are available and reasonably priced. Here, the customer will have the opportunity to purchase branded cakes, confectionery, flapjacks, freshly baked cookies, Danish pastries, Fairtrade items, a range of comprehensive sandwiches and baguettes are on offer with bean to cup coffee, cappuccino, herbal teas and hot chocolate. There are vending machines near the main reception area on the ground floor, and in the café. This venue has a waterfront courtyard and a grassed area where marquees can be set up for any function.</p><p>We pride ourselves on the high standard of Catering and Hospitality, if you need any assistance or menus for buffets please contact NOC Catering and ask for Jane on 26229 (02380 596229) " The Off- site units are licensed to sell alcoholic drinks.</p><p> </p><p>Offsite Catering Operations Manager: <strong>Mrs Gina Hodge</strong> - email: <a target="_self" href="mailto:rbh@soton.ac.uk">rbh@soton.ac.uk</a" Catering Supervisor NOC: <strong>Mrs Jayne Mullet</strong> - email <a target="_self" href="mailto:jm15@soton.ac.uk">jm15@soton.ac.uk</a>"^^http://purl.org/xtypes/Fragment-HTML
→ http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#hasOpeningHoursSpecification → http://id.southampton.ac.uk/point-of-service/68-cafe#Friday-0830-1400-23-Sep-2019,
→ skos:notation → "68-101/06"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ skos:notation → "68-166/21"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ skos:notation → "68-166/37"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "iSolutions Workstations - 68-12102"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "68/12102"^^xsd:string,
"68 / 12102"^^xsd:string,
"NOC 68 / 121 / 02 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-12102"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "iSolutions Workstations - 68-12401"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "68/12401"^^xsd:string,
"68 / 12401"^^xsd:string,
"NOC 68 / 124 / 01 (Library)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-12401"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "iSolutions Workstations - 68-23415"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "68/23415"^^xsd:string,
"68 / 23415"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "iSolutions Workstations - 68-56471"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "68/56471"^^xsd:string,
"68 / 56471"^^xsd:string,
"NOC 68 / 564 / 71 (MSc Cluster) (NOT AVAILABLE)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-56471"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "iSolutions Workstations - 68-78421"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "68/78421"^^xsd:string,
"68 / 78421"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Thermo ELEMENT XR HR-ICP-MS"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10189"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Multi collector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) was installed in our isotope laboratories in September 1999. It was acquired as part of the PRISMS EC project to examine standards and isotopic measurement techniques. Following this project, the instrument has formed an integral part of isotopic analysis in the NOCS, with a diverse range of applications including environmental, geological, nuclear, and oceanographic."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10042"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Multi collector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) was installed in our isotope laboratories in September 1999. It was acquired as part of the PRISMS EC project to examine standards and isotopic measurement techniques. Following this project, the instrument has formed an integral part of isotopic analysis in the NOCS, with a diverse range of applications including environmental, geological, nuclear, and oceanographic."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Multi collector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) was installed in our isotope laboratories in September 1999. It was acquired as part of the PRISMS EC project to examine standards and isotopic measurement techniques. Following this project, the instrument has formed an integral part of isotopic analysis in the NOCS, with a diverse range of applications including environmental, geological, nuclear, and oceanographic."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Thermo TRITON Plus TI-MS"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "The TRITON Plus is a multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer for high precision isotope ratio measurements. It uses a proven thermal ionization source and has a unique variable multicollector platform which can be configured with Faraday detectors and/or miniaturized ion counting detectors for smallest sample sizes. Typical applications are dating of geological samples as well as control of isotopic compositions of nuclear materials."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10190"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The TRITON Plus is a multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer for high precision isotope ratio measurements. It uses a proven thermal ionization source and has a unique variable multicollector platform which can be configured with Faraday detectors and/or miniaturized ion counting detectors for smallest sample sizes. Typical applications are dating of geological samples as well as control of isotopic compositions of nuclear materials."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The TRITON Plus is a multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer for high precision isotope ratio measurements. It uses a proven thermal ionization source and has a unique variable multicollector platform which can be configured with Faraday detectors and/or miniaturized ion counting detectors for smallest sample sizes. Typical applications are dating of geological samples as well as control of isotopic compositions of nuclear materials."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS)"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS). LC-MSn offers Trap-HCD (Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation) combined with CID (Collision-Induced Dissociation), PQD* (Pulsed-Q Dissociation) and ETD (Electron Transfer Dissociation) to solve the most difficult analytical problems. Key Features:[nl]
- Novel wide dynamic range discrete dynode detection system provides up to six orders of linear quantitation[nl]
- Unique dual-pressure linear ion trap simultaneously increases scan speed and mass resolution[nl]
- Proprietary S-lens ion optics increase ion transmission and shorten trap fill time, improving instrument sensitivity and data acquisition rate[nl]
- Generation II ion optics improve robustness and reduces downtime[nl]
- Trap-HCD functionality combined with CID, PQD and ETD provides the ultimate in structural information[nl]
- Predictive Automatic Gain Control reduces cycle times, yielding improved data acquisition rates."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10192"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS). LC-MSn offers Trap-HCD (Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation) combined with CID (Collision-Induced Dissociation), PQD* (Pulsed-Q Dissociation) and ETD (Electron Transfer Dissociation) to solve the most difficult analytical problems. Key Features:[nl]
- Novel wide dynamic range discrete dynode detection system provides up to six orders of linear quantitation[nl]
- Unique dual-pressure linear ion trap simultaneously increases scan speed and mass resolution[nl]
- Proprietary S-lens ion optics increase ion transmission and shorten trap fill time, improving instrument sensitivity and data acquisition rate[nl]
- Generation II ion optics improve robustness and reduces downtime[nl]
- Trap-HCD functionality combined with CID, PQD and ETD provides the ultimate in structural information[nl]
- Predictive Automatic Gain Control reduces cycle times, yielding improved data acquisition rates."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS). LC-MSn offers Trap-HCD (Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation) combined with CID (Collision-Induced Dissociation), PQD* (Pulsed-Q Dissociation) and ETD (Electron Transfer Dissociation) to solve the most difficult analytical problems. Key Features:[nl]
- Novel wide dynamic range discrete dynode detection system provides up to six orders of linear quantitation[nl]
- Unique dual-pressure linear ion trap simultaneously increases scan speed and mass resolution[nl]
- Proprietary S-lens ion optics increase ion transmission and shorten trap fill time, improving instrument sensitivity and data acquisition rate[nl]
- Generation II ion optics improve robustness and reduces downtime[nl]
- Trap-HCD functionality combined with CID, PQD and ETD provides the ultimate in structural information[nl]
- Predictive Automatic Gain Control reduces cycle times, yielding improved data acquisition rates."^^xsd:string
→ foaf:name → "WHITESIDE, JESSICA"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Canberra UK Ltd ULB HPGs Well Detector"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Ultra Low Background (ULB) High Purity Germanium (HPG) Well Detection system."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10195"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Ultra Low Background (ULB) High Purity Germanium (HPG) Well Detection system."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Ultra Low Background (ULB) High Purity Germanium (HPG) Well Detection system."^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Callista is a 19.75m Catamaran, purpose built for teaching and research, with a large rear deck and A-frame for equipment deployment. Callista offers a unique capability for operations along the south coast for teaching and research as well as a platform for marine enterprise and industry. She is also used in the Discover Oceanography programme which offers the opportunity to experience a hands-on introdction to marine science for groups of all ages."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10204"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Callista is a 19.75m Catamaran, purpose built for teaching and research, with a large rear deck and A-frame for equipment deployment. Callista offers a unique capability for operations along the south coast for teaching and research as well as a platform for marine enterprise and industry. She is also used in the Discover Oceanography programme which offers the opportunity to experience a hands-on introdction to marine science for groups of all ages."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Callista is a 19.75m Catamaran, purpose built for teaching and research, with a large rear deck and A-frame for equipment deployment. Callista offers a unique capability for operations along the south coast for teaching and research as well as a platform for marine enterprise and industry. She is also used in the Discover Oceanography programme which offers the opportunity to experience a hands-on introdction to marine science for groups of all ages."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Princeton Measurements Corporation (now Lake Shore Cryotronics) Model 3900 Micromag Vibrating Sample"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "High sensitivity vibrating magnometer (0.5 microemu standard deviation @ 1 second per measured point). Features; Hardware and software compatible with P.M.C., Alternating Gradient Magnetometer Systems, Versatile, quick change sample holders, Continuous sample rotation about Z-axis under computer control, High and low temperature accessories, High speed four quadrant magnet power supply, and comprehensive, easy to use Windows based application software."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10219"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "High sensitivity vibrating magnometer (0.5 microemu standard deviation @ 1 second per measured point). Features; Hardware and software compatible with P.M.C., Alternating Gradient Magnetometer Systems, Versatile, quick change sample holders, Continuous sample rotation about Z-axis under computer control, High and low temperature accessories, High speed four quadrant magnet power supply, and comprehensive, easy to use Windows based application software."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "High sensitivity vibrating magnometer (0.5 microemu standard deviation @ 1 second per measured point). Features; Hardware and software compatible with P.M.C., Alternating Gradient Magnetometer Systems, Versatile, quick change sample holders, Continuous sample rotation about Z-axis under computer control, High and low temperature accessories, High speed four quadrant magnet power supply, and comprehensive, easy to use Windows based application software."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Isoprime Dual Inlet Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with Multiprep (DI-IRMS)"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Isoprime Dual Inlet Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with Multiprep (DI-IRMS) for the stable isotope analysis of d13C and d18O in carbonates (small or bulk samples)."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10221"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Isoprime Dual Inlet Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with Multiprep (DI-IRMS) for the stable isotope analysis of d13C and d18O in carbonates (small or bulk samples)."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Isoprime Dual Inlet Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with Multiprep (DI-IRMS) for the stable isotope analysis of d13C and d18O in carbonates (small or bulk samples)."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "OES - Research Facility: Organic Carbon Stable Isotopes"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "The SIRMS Laboratory is a research and teaching facility established in 1998 with NERC, HEFCE-SRIF and ESSO funding. The facilities function is measuring stable isotope ratios of various materials such as carbonates (sediments and foraminifera), organic materials (plankton and soils) and water samples. For full details of the equipment at the facility visit our website."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10044"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The SIRMS Laboratory is a research and teaching facility established in 1998 with NERC, HEFCE-SRIF and ESSO funding. The facilities function is measuring stable isotope ratios of various materials such as carbonates (sediments and foraminifera), organic materials (plankton and soils) and water samples. For full details of the equipment at the facility visit our website."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The SIRMS Laboratory is a research and teaching facility established in 1998 with NERC, HEFCE-SRIF and ESSO funding. The facilities function is measuring stable isotope ratios of various materials such as carbonates (sediments and foraminifera), organic materials (plankton and soils) and water samples. For full details of the equipment at the facility visit our website."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "2G Enterpirses Model 760 Liquid Helium cooled Superconducting Rock Magnetometer with DC Squids"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "2G Enterprises Model 760 Superconducting Rock Magnetometer (SRM) incorporating high sensitivity DC SQUIDS."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10226"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "2G Enterprises Model 760 Superconducting Rock Magnetometer (SRM) incorporating high sensitivity DC SQUIDS."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "2G Enterprises Model 760 Superconducting Rock Magnetometer (SRM) incorporating high sensitivity DC SQUIDS."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Laser: Dynamic Light Scattering Detector (Batch & Flow mode)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10530"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "X Seriesii Icp-Ms System"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10586"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "Sequential X-Ray Spectrometer"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "The Philips Magix Pro¿ WD-XRF is used for routine major and trace element analysis of sediments, rocks, soils, ores, and oils. The sequential spectrometer is designed for fast, high precision, qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis. Samples are normally run under vacuum as fused glass discs, pressed powders and thin-films or under a He atmosphere for liquids."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10652"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The Philips Magix Pro¿ WD-XRF is used for routine major and trace element analysis of sediments, rocks, soils, ores, and oils. The sequential spectrometer is designed for fast, high precision, qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis. Samples are normally run under vacuum as fused glass discs, pressed powders and thin-films or under a He atmosphere for liquids."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The Philips Magix Pro¿ WD-XRF is used for routine major and trace element analysis of sediments, rocks, soils, ores, and oils. The sequential spectrometer is designed for fast, high precision, qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis. Samples are normally run under vacuum as fused glass discs, pressed powders and thin-films or under a He atmosphere for liquids."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Thermo Accela HPLC/LTQ Velos MS"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS). LC-MSn offers Trap-HCD (Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation) combined with CID (Collision-Induced Dissociation), PQD* (Pulsed-Q Dissociation) and ETD (Electron Transfer Dissociation) to solve the most difficult analytical problems. Key Features:[cr][nl]
- Novel wide dynamic range discrete dynode detection system provides up to six orders of linear quantitation[cr][nl]
- Unique dual-pressure linear ion trap simultaneously increases scan speed and mass resolution[cr][nl]
- Proprietary S-lens ion optics increase ion transmission and shorten trap fill time, improving instrument sensitivity and data acquisition rate[cr][nl]
- Generation II ion optics improve robustness and reduces downtime[cr][nl]
- Trap-HCD functionality combined with CID, PQD and ETD provides the ultimate in structural information[cr][nl]
- Predictive Automatic Gain Control reduces cycle times, yielding improved data acquisition rates."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10655"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS). LC-MSn offers Trap-HCD (Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation) combined with CID (Collision-Induced Dissociation), PQD* (Pulsed-Q Dissociation) and ETD (Electron Transfer Dissociation) to solve the most difficult analytical problems. Key Features:[cr][nl]
- Novel wide dynamic range discrete dynode detection system provides up to six orders of linear quantitation[cr][nl]
- Unique dual-pressure linear ion trap simultaneously increases scan speed and mass resolution[cr][nl]
- Proprietary S-lens ion optics increase ion transmission and shorten trap fill time, improving instrument sensitivity and data acquisition rate[cr][nl]
- Generation II ion optics improve robustness and reduces downtime[cr][nl]
- Trap-HCD functionality combined with CID, PQD and ETD provides the ultimate in structural information[cr][nl]
- Predictive Automatic Gain Control reduces cycle times, yielding improved data acquisition rates."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "High Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (HPLC-MS). LC-MSn offers Trap-HCD (Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation) combined with CID (Collision-Induced Dissociation), PQD* (Pulsed-Q Dissociation) and ETD (Electron Transfer Dissociation) to solve the most difficult analytical problems. Key Features:[cr][nl]
- Novel wide dynamic range discrete dynode detection system provides up to six orders of linear quantitation[cr][nl]
- Unique dual-pressure linear ion trap simultaneously increases scan speed and mass resolution[cr][nl]
- Proprietary S-lens ion optics increase ion transmission and shorten trap fill time, improving instrument sensitivity and data acquisition rate[cr][nl]
- Generation II ion optics improve robustness and reduces downtime[cr][nl]
- Trap-HCD functionality combined with CID, PQD and ETD provides the ultimate in structural information[cr][nl]
- Predictive Automatic Gain Control reduces cycle times, yielding improved data acquisition rates."^^xsd:string
→ foaf:name → "WHITESIDE, JESSICA"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Isoprime vario Isotope select␣␣Elemental Analyser coupled to an Isoprime 100 Isotope Ratio Mass Spec"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Wlemental composition carbon and nitrogen as well as d13C and d15N stable isotopes in organic matrices (sediments, plants, plankton filters, biological tissues)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11058"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Wlemental composition carbon and nitrogen as well as d13C and d15N stable isotopes in organic matrices (sediments, plants, plankton filters, biological tissues)"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Wlemental composition carbon and nitrogen as well as d13C and d15N stable isotopes in organic matrices (sediments, plants, plankton filters, biological tissues)"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Isoprime PyroCube Elemental Analyser and Agilent 7890A GC coupled to a GeoVisION+ IRMS"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Elemental composition of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur as well as d13C, d15N and d34S stable isotopes in organic matrices (sediments, plants, plankton filters, biological tissues). Also available for elemental composition of oxygen and hydrogen as well as d2H and d18O stable isotopes in organic matrices as well as in liquids"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11059"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Elemental composition of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur as well as d13C, d15N and d34S stable isotopes in organic matrices (sediments, plants, plankton filters, biological tissues). Also available for elemental composition of oxygen and hydrogen as well as d2H and d18O stable isotopes in organic matrices as well as in liquids"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Elemental composition of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur as well as d13C, d15N and d34S stable isotopes in organic matrices (sediments, plants, plankton filters, biological tissues). Also available for elemental composition of oxygen and hydrogen as well as d2H and d18O stable isotopes in organic matrices as well as in liquids"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Thermo MAT 253 Dual Inlet Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with Kiel IV carbonate device"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Setermination of d13C and d18O stable isotope ratios in carbonates or bulk inorganic materials"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11093"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Setermination of d13C and d18O stable isotope ratios in carbonates or bulk inorganic materials"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Setermination of d13C and d18O stable isotope ratios in carbonates or bulk inorganic materials"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Thermo Delta V with GC-IRMS: Gas Chromatograph-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11094"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "Thermo TSQ 8000 GC-MS-MS: Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer with MS/MS capability"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11095"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ foaf:name → "WHITESIDE, JESSICA"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Thermo 1310 GC FID GC-FID: Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionisation Detector"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11096"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ foaf:name → "WHITESIDE, JESSICA"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Sperm Class Analyzer CASA system"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11257"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Sperm Class Analyzer CASA system"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "QuAAtro 36 System / Autoanalyser"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11285"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "RaDeCC- six channel delayed coincidence counting system"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E11311"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "Scanning Electron Microscope Facility (SEM)"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Based at the School of Ocean & Earth Sciences the centre was established primarily to support high resolution palaeoceanographic, palaeoclimatic and palae-environmental research. Particular areas of expertise include the preparation of a wide range of unconsolidated to partly consolidated sediments for electron microscopy and the analysis of the microfossil and mineral content of samples."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10045"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Based at the School of Ocean & Earth Sciences the centre was established primarily to support high resolution palaeoceanographic, palaeoclimatic and palae-environmental research. Particular areas of expertise include the preparation of a wide range of unconsolidated to partly consolidated sediments for electron microscopy and the analysis of the microfossil and mineral content of samples."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Based at the School of Ocean & Earth Sciences the centre was established primarily to support high resolution palaeoceanographic, palaeoclimatic and palae-environmental research. Particular areas of expertise include the preparation of a wide range of unconsolidated to partly consolidated sediments for electron microscopy and the analysis of the microfossil and mineral content of samples."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "X-Ray Diffraction Facility (XRD)"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) facility located at NOCS provides a service for the qualitative or quantitative analysis of rock samples to determine bulk mineralogy and/or clay mineralogy. Samples are run on a Philips X`Pert pro XRD machine with a Cu X-ray tube. Mineral identification is undertaken using the JC PDS (powder diffraction studies) database."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10046"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) facility located at NOCS provides a service for the qualitative or quantitative analysis of rock samples to determine bulk mineralogy and/or clay mineralogy. Samples are run on a Philips X`Pert pro XRD machine with a Cu X-ray tube. Mineral identification is undertaken using the JC PDS (powder diffraction studies) database."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) facility located at NOCS provides a service for the qualitative or quantitative analysis of rock samples to determine bulk mineralogy and/or clay mineralogy. Samples are run on a Philips X`Pert pro XRD machine with a Cu X-ray tube. Mineral identification is undertaken using the JC PDS (powder diffraction studies) database."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "High Resolution Marine Geophysics"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "We have 20 years experience of collecting high resolution geophysical data for research projects as diverse as small object detection (including forensic work); wreck based surveys; Quaternary natural and archaeological landscape studies; neotectonics; and large scale sedimentological and structural analysis. We have acquired data in settings as diverse as Icelandic lakes; offshore New Zealand; the Corinth Rift; Windermere in the Lake District; and the Indus Fan. [nl]
The group has its own Chirp, Boomer and Sparker sources. These can be recorded with a single channel hydrophone onto a Coda acquisition system, or using a 60-channel 1m group spacing multichannel hydrophone onto a Geometrics Strataview recorder. The group also has several multibeam systems (Reson 8160, 7101, 8125) and a Geoacoustics sidescan sonar system. This enables to acquire data from water depths of 2000m to the coastal strip.[nl]
We also have the capability to process and interpret this wide range of data through a"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10074"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "We have 20 years experience of collecting high resolution geophysical data for research projects as diverse as small object detection (including forensic work); wreck based surveys; Quaternary natural and archaeological landscape studies; neotectonics; and large scale sedimentological and structural analysis. We have acquired data in settings as diverse as Icelandic lakes; offshore New Zealand; the Corinth Rift; Windermere in the Lake District; and the Indus Fan. [nl]
The group has its own Chirp, Boomer and Sparker sources. These can be recorded with a single channel hydrophone onto a Coda acquisition system, or using a 60-channel 1m group spacing multichannel hydrophone onto a Geometrics Strataview recorder. The group also has several multibeam systems (Reson 8160, 7101, 8125) and a Geoacoustics sidescan sonar system. This enables to acquire data from water depths of 2000m to the coastal strip.[nl]
We also have the capability to process and interpret this wide range of data through a"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "We have 20 years experience of collecting high resolution geophysical data for research projects as diverse as small object detection (including forensic work); wreck based surveys; Quaternary natural and archaeological landscape studies; neotectonics; and large scale sedimentological and structural analysis. We have acquired data in settings as diverse as Icelandic lakes; offshore New Zealand; the Corinth Rift; Windermere in the Lake District; and the Indus Fan. [nl]
The group has its own Chirp, Boomer and Sparker sources. These can be recorded with a single channel hydrophone onto a Coda acquisition system, or using a 60-channel 1m group spacing multichannel hydrophone onto a Geometrics Strataview recorder. The group also has several multibeam systems (Reson 8160, 7101, 8125) and a Geoacoustics sidescan sonar system. This enables to acquire data from water depths of 2000m to the coastal strip.[nl]
We also have the capability to process and interpret this wide range of data through a"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "3D Chirp is a surface-towed sub-bottom profiling system capable of imaging the upper tens of metres of the sub-surface in three dimensions with decimetric horizontal and centimetric vertical resolution. This system was developed by the University of Southampton in collaboration with GeoAcoustics Ltd. The combination of the known, highly repeatable Chirp source, with the coherent processing and interpretation afforded by true 3D seismic volumes provides the perfect base for shallow-water engineering, archaeology, military, and geological studies. Please visit the following website for more information"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10075"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "3D Chirp is a surface-towed sub-bottom profiling system capable of imaging the upper tens of metres of the sub-surface in three dimensions with decimetric horizontal and centimetric vertical resolution. This system was developed by the University of Southampton in collaboration with GeoAcoustics Ltd. The combination of the known, highly repeatable Chirp source, with the coherent processing and interpretation afforded by true 3D seismic volumes provides the perfect base for shallow-water engineering, archaeology, military, and geological studies. Please visit the following website for more information"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "3D Chirp is a surface-towed sub-bottom profiling system capable of imaging the upper tens of metres of the sub-surface in three dimensions with decimetric horizontal and centimetric vertical resolution. This system was developed by the University of Southampton in collaboration with GeoAcoustics Ltd. The combination of the known, highly repeatable Chirp source, with the coherent processing and interpretation afforded by true 3D seismic volumes provides the perfect base for shallow-water engineering, archaeology, military, and geological studies. Please visit the following website for more information"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "The Ocean Bottom Instrumentation Consortium aims to provide the academic and commercial communities with access to multi-sensor, versatile seabed instruments to enable sub-surface geophysical imaging at high vertical and lateral resolution. We have 50 seabed platforms with hydrophones and 3-component short period geophones; 14 instruments can be deployed as electric field receivers for active EM experiments; 9 instruments can be deployed with differential pressure gauges for long-term earthquake studies. Broadband seismic receivers are currently under development. NERC-funded projects are carried out under Pay as You Go terms as part of the Geophysical Equipment Facility; these costs appear on grant proposals but may be outside of the £1.2M cap on standard grants."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10076"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The Ocean Bottom Instrumentation Consortium aims to provide the academic and commercial communities with access to multi-sensor, versatile seabed instruments to enable sub-surface geophysical imaging at high vertical and lateral resolution. We have 50 seabed platforms with hydrophones and 3-component short period geophones; 14 instruments can be deployed as electric field receivers for active EM experiments; 9 instruments can be deployed with differential pressure gauges for long-term earthquake studies. Broadband seismic receivers are currently under development. NERC-funded projects are carried out under Pay as You Go terms as part of the Geophysical Equipment Facility; these costs appear on grant proposals but may be outside of the £1.2M cap on standard grants."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The Ocean Bottom Instrumentation Consortium aims to provide the academic and commercial communities with access to multi-sensor, versatile seabed instruments to enable sub-surface geophysical imaging at high vertical and lateral resolution. We have 50 seabed platforms with hydrophones and 3-component short period geophones; 14 instruments can be deployed as electric field receivers for active EM experiments; 9 instruments can be deployed with differential pressure gauges for long-term earthquake studies. Broadband seismic receivers are currently under development. NERC-funded projects are carried out under Pay as You Go terms as part of the Geophysical Equipment Facility; these costs appear on grant proposals but may be outside of the £1.2M cap on standard grants."^^xsd:string
→ foaf:name → "to be assigned, Dummy"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-10106"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 104 / 13 (S/R)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-10413"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-10420"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "68 / 16621"^^xsd:string,
"NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-16621"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-16637"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 064 / 03 (Node Rm)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-6403"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 084 / 02 (Node Rm)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-8402"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "iSolutions Workstations - 68-16621"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Building 68 / Level 1"^^xsd:string,
"Floor 1, Building 68"^^xsd:string
← is
rdf:type of
← http://id.southampton.ac.uk/mfd/PR-ID298150,
→ rdfs:label → "Accessable Toilet with Baby Changing Facility"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Size:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Situated in accessible toilet</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Wheelchair Accessible:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Yes</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Washing Facilities:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Yes</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Furniture:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Toilet and baby change only</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Power:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">No</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Phone:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">No</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Access Arrangements:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Open access. Above reception, via lift</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Notes:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">There is signage on the door</span>[nl]
→ rdfs:label → "Accessable Toilet with Baby Changing Facility"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Size:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Situated in accessible toilet</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Wheelchair Accessible:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Yes</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Washing Facilities:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Yes</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Furniture:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Toilet and baby change only</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Power:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">No</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Phone:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">No</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Access Arrangements:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Open access. Node 1 - Level 6 via lift</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Notes:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">There is signage on the door</span>[nl]
→ rdfs:label → "New and Expectant Parents Room"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Size:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">12sq m</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Wheelchair Accessible:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Yes</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Washing Facilities:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Yes</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Furniture:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Rocking chair and bed</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Power:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Yes</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Phone:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Yes</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Access Arrangements:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">Room is open. Has an occupied/unoccupied slider. Ground floor.</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣<div class="desc-term">[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-label">Notes:</span>[nl]
␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣<span class="desc-term-value">First aid kit, eyewash, fridge. Room is marked "First Aid Room".</span>[nl]
→ rdfs:label → "Gender Neutral Toilet, NOCS"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Non-gendered self-contained toilet cubicle, with sink basin and sanitary bin."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 161 / 32 (Sediments Lab) (NOT AVAILABLE)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-16132"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 166 / 27 (Lab G2)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-16627"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 344 / 32 (Conference Rm)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-34432"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ rdfs:label → "NOC 68 / 456 / 01 (Lab B)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68-45601"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ skos:notation → "68-9998"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ skos:notation → "68-9999"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme