→ rdfs:label → "Philips Xl30 ESEM Scanning Electron Microscope"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Philips Environmental - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with FEI Micro-analysis system. The Philips XL-30 ESEM is a flexible scanning electron microscope with a large chamber. It can be used for conventional high vacuum imaging, or in the environmental mode, can be used to examine wet, oily, gassy or non-conducting samples. Samples can be examined in an atmosphere of up to 10 torr of water vapour, oxygen, nitrogen carbon dioxide or any other non-corrosice gas."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10174"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Philips Environmental - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with FEI Micro-analysis system. The Philips XL-30 ESEM is a flexible scanning electron microscope with a large chamber. It can be used for conventional high vacuum imaging, or in the environmental mode, can be used to examine wet, oily, gassy or non-conducting samples. Samples can be examined in an atmosphere of up to 10 torr of water vapour, oxygen, nitrogen carbon dioxide or any other non-corrosice gas."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Philips Environmental - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with FEI Micro-analysis system. The Philips XL-30 ESEM is a flexible scanning electron microscope with a large chamber. It can be used for conventional high vacuum imaging, or in the environmental mode, can be used to examine wet, oily, gassy or non-conducting samples. Samples can be examined in an atmosphere of up to 10 torr of water vapour, oxygen, nitrogen carbon dioxide or any other non-corrosice gas."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "University of Southampton"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Chemistry and Chemical Engineering"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Philips FEI XL30SEM Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope"^^xsd:string