→ rdfs:label → "Into the Fold: WSA Artists' Book & Zine Fair"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "<p>Winchester School of Art is pleased to invite you to Into the Fold, the University of Southampton's inaugural Artist Book and Zine Fair, a free event showcasing artwork by local students and regional artists for sale.</p><p>Into the Fold will feature artist book and zine makers from across the UK including WSA students, staff and local artists. Over the two days, there will be tours of the Artists' Book Collection at WSA Library, printmaking activities, an exhibition curated by WSA Printmaking Fellow, Julia Vogl, and a performative event with artist Alec Stevens.</p><p>The event will take place on the University of Southampton's Winchester campus on Park Avenue across two days. Please indicate which day you wish to attend by ordering the corresponding ticket - guests are welcome to visit at any time the event is open on that day.</p><p><a href="https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/into-the-fold-2024-tickets-713190109817">Find out more and book your ticket! </a></p>"^^http://purl.org/xtypes/Fragment-XHTML
→ rdfs:label → "Winchester, SO23 8DL, England"^^xsd:string