→ dcterms:description → "The ORC at Southampton has a state-of-the-art Flame Hydrolysis Deposition tool for growth of silica-on-silicon waveguide structures. The system allows the incorporation of germanium, phosphorous and boron doping within the silica, and is particularly optimised for high photosensitivity layer growth. The tool can grow films ranging from 2 microns to 20 microns in thickness."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10009"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The ORC at Southampton has a state-of-the-art Flame Hydrolysis Deposition tool for growth of silica-on-silicon waveguide structures. The system allows the incorporation of germanium, phosphorous and boron doping within the silica, and is particularly optimised for high photosensitivity layer growth. The tool can grow films ranging from 2 microns to 20 microns in thickness."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The ORC at Southampton has a state-of-the-art Flame Hydrolysis Deposition tool for growth of silica-on-silicon waveguide structures. The system allows the incorporation of germanium, phosphorous and boron doping within the silica, and is particularly optimised for high photosensitivity layer growth. The tool can grow films ranging from 2 microns to 20 microns in thickness."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "53"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/building-code-scheme
→ dcterms:spatial → "POLYGON((-1.39913396019065 50.9372142159638,-1.39907008997395 50.9373032056671,-1.39891522041897 50.937259276929,-1.39890569827696 50.9372705987727,-1.39892932396893 50.9372784674524,-1.39859712697686 50.9377277159088,-1.39838674153732 50.93774396259,-1.3984577982763 50.937687410529,-1.39842294364327 50.9376771643524,-1.39822064304129 50.9376180648148,-1.39809892132029 50.937582514482,-1.39802930188577 50.9375621919069,-1.39799786085083 50.9375543798841,-1.3979582451468 50.9375445865492,-1.39795617902165 50.9375199050719,-1.39795384340191 50.9374888833799,-1.39795249592898 50.9374689004178,-1.39794872300479 50.9374351048503,-1.39794863317326 50.9374339726701,-1.39794486024907 50.9373881759563,-1.39794521957518 50.9373882891745,-1.39807691259583 50.93743340658,-1.39810988076676 50.9374439924643,-1.3983446105505 50.9371126021949,-1.39848726301762 50.9371526816356,-1.39856272150148 50.9370497091047,-1.39867465158588 50.9370818632785,-1.3986993552562 50.9370889960675,-1.39913396019065 50.9372142159638))"^^xsd:string
← is
foaf:depicts of
← https://data.southampton.ac.uk/image-archive/buildings/100/53.jpg,
→ rdfs:label → "Physical Sciences and Engineering"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Optoelectronics Research Centre"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) system for the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and Si, SiGe and Ge nanowires. CNT growth temperatures are typically between 600 and 800C. Aligned growth of CNTs can be achieved with a growth rate up to 40 nm/min and random growth can be achieved with growth rates up to hundreds of nm/min. CNT diameters are typically less than 100nm, but depend on catalyst particle size. Silicon nanowires typically require silane for growth at temperatures of 330 - 650C, and vertical growth rates up to 150nm/min can be achieved. Germanium nanowires typically require germane for growth. SiGe nanowires can be grown by mixing silane and germane Heterojunctions can be created in the SiGe nanowires by appropriate control of the flows. All nanowires can be doped p or n type with the addition of diborane or phosphine to a process"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10250"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) system for the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and Si, SiGe and Ge nanowires. CNT growth temperatures are typically between 600 and 800C. Aligned growth of CNTs can be achieved with a growth rate up to 40 nm/min and random growth can be achieved with growth rates up to hundreds of nm/min. CNT diameters are typically less than 100nm, but depend on catalyst particle size. Silicon nanowires typically require silane for growth at temperatures of 330 - 650C, and vertical growth rates up to 150nm/min can be achieved. Germanium nanowires typically require germane for growth. SiGe nanowires can be grown by mixing silane and germane Heterojunctions can be created in the SiGe nanowires by appropriate control of the flows. All nanowires can be doped p or n type with the addition of diborane or phosphine to a process"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) system for the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and Si, SiGe and Ge nanowires. CNT growth temperatures are typically between 600 and 800C. Aligned growth of CNTs can be achieved with a growth rate up to 40 nm/min and random growth can be achieved with growth rates up to hundreds of nm/min. CNT diameters are typically less than 100nm, but depend on catalyst particle size. Silicon nanowires typically require silane for growth at temperatures of 330 - 650C, and vertical growth rates up to 150nm/min can be achieved. Germanium nanowires typically require germane for growth. SiGe nanowires can be grown by mixing silane and germane Heterojunctions can be created in the SiGe nanowires by appropriate control of the flows. All nanowires can be doped p or n type with the addition of diborane or phosphine to a process"^^xsd:string