→ rdfs:label → "Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "The ORC SEM Facility comprises of a Zeiss Evo50 SEM fitted with an Oxford Instruments INCA 250 x-ray analysis system. In addition to dedicated Gold and Carbon deposition equipment, the SEM features variable pressure operation allowing analysis of both conductive and non-conductive sample. The INCA 250 x-ray analysis system provides elemental analysis capabilities."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10012"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The ORC SEM Facility comprises of a Zeiss Evo50 SEM fitted with an Oxford Instruments INCA 250 x-ray analysis system. In addition to dedicated Gold and Carbon deposition equipment, the SEM features variable pressure operation allowing analysis of both conductive and non-conductive sample. The INCA 250 x-ray analysis system provides elemental analysis capabilities."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The ORC SEM Facility comprises of a Zeiss Evo50 SEM fitted with an Oxford Instruments INCA 250 x-ray analysis system. In addition to dedicated Gold and Carbon deposition equipment, the SEM features variable pressure operation allowing analysis of both conductive and non-conductive sample. The INCA 250 x-ray analysis system provides elemental analysis capabilities."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "53"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/building-code-scheme
→ dcterms:spatial → "POLYGON((-1.39913396019065 50.9372142159638,-1.39907008997395 50.9373032056671,-1.39891522041897 50.937259276929,-1.39890569827696 50.9372705987727,-1.39892932396893 50.9372784674524,-1.39859712697686 50.9377277159088,-1.39838674153732 50.93774396259,-1.3984577982763 50.937687410529,-1.39842294364327 50.9376771643524,-1.39822064304129 50.9376180648148,-1.39809892132029 50.937582514482,-1.39802930188577 50.9375621919069,-1.39799786085083 50.9375543798841,-1.3979582451468 50.9375445865492,-1.39795617902165 50.9375199050719,-1.39795384340191 50.9374888833799,-1.39795249592898 50.9374689004178,-1.39794872300479 50.9374351048503,-1.39794863317326 50.9374339726701,-1.39794486024907 50.9373881759563,-1.39794521957518 50.9373882891745,-1.39807691259583 50.93743340658,-1.39810988076676 50.9374439924643,-1.3983446105505 50.9371126021949,-1.39848726301762 50.9371526816356,-1.39856272150148 50.9370497091047,-1.39867465158588 50.9370818632785,-1.3986993552562 50.9370889960675,-1.39913396019065 50.9372142159638))"^^xsd:string
← is
foaf:depicts of
← https://data.southampton.ac.uk/image-archive/buildings/100/53.jpg,
→ rdfs:label → "Physical Sciences and Engineering"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Optoelectronics Research Centre"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → " The EVO®50 series provides quality results from a versatile analytical microscope with a very large specimen chamber. Whether the specimen requires imaging in high vacuum, XVP® or EP, the EVO®50 series is able to image to perfection."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10333"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → " The EVO®50 series provides quality results from a versatile analytical microscope with a very large specimen chamber. Whether the specimen requires imaging in high vacuum, XVP® or EP, the EVO®50 series is able to image to perfection."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → " The EVO®50 series provides quality results from a versatile analytical microscope with a very large specimen chamber. Whether the specimen requires imaging in high vacuum, XVP® or EP, the EVO®50 series is able to image to perfection."^^xsd:string