→ rdfs:label → "Southampton Wind Tunnels"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "The University of Southampton Wind Tunnels can provide excellent and affordable facilities capable of accommodating anything from brief half-day validation studies to extended testing on everything from yachts to wind turbines and racing cars. The facilities include the R J Mitchell wind tunnel (3.6m x 2.4m) with an overhead 6-component balance, surface pressure scanner and PIV system; a 2.1m x 1.5m wind tunnel equipped with an overhead 3-component balance and capable of speeds up to 45m/s and a 0.9m x 0.6m x 4.5m working section tunnel which is installed in a laboratory and equipped with a 3D computer controlled probe traversing system and dynamometer. Please contact the Wind Tunnel Manager for full details."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10030"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The University of Southampton Wind Tunnels can provide excellent and affordable facilities capable of accommodating anything from brief half-day validation studies to extended testing on everything from yachts to wind turbines and racing cars. The facilities include the R J Mitchell wind tunnel (3.6m x 2.4m) with an overhead 6-component balance, surface pressure scanner and PIV system; a 2.1m x 1.5m wind tunnel equipped with an overhead 3-component balance and capable of speeds up to 45m/s and a 0.9m x 0.6m x 4.5m working section tunnel which is installed in a laboratory and equipped with a 3D computer controlled probe traversing system and dynamometer. Please contact the Wind Tunnel Manager for full details."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The University of Southampton Wind Tunnels can provide excellent and affordable facilities capable of accommodating anything from brief half-day validation studies to extended testing on everything from yachts to wind turbines and racing cars. The facilities include the R J Mitchell wind tunnel (3.6m x 2.4m) with an overhead 6-component balance, surface pressure scanner and PIV system; a 2.1m x 1.5m wind tunnel equipped with an overhead 3-component balance and capable of speeds up to 45m/s and a 0.9m x 0.6m x 4.5m working section tunnel which is installed in a laboratory and equipped with a 3D computer controlled probe traversing system and dynamometer. Please contact the Wind Tunnel Manager for full details."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "R J Mitchell Wind Tunnel"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "17"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/building-code-scheme
→ dcterms:spatial → "POLYGON((-1.39477021403499 50.9364050924833,-1.39455057594802 50.9364352091346,-1.3945065584991 50.9362999104917,-1.39443828653751 50.9363078925565,-1.39440019796946 50.9361734993119,-1.39445643250624 50.9361655172241,-1.39444367642921 50.9360989997723,-1.39453063334871 50.9360883003605,-1.39451733828251 50.9360428985964,-1.39462980735608 50.9360290855821,-1.39466187721172 50.9361403821301,-1.39470104375811 50.9361373817688,-1.39473913232616 50.936268774765,-1.39472511860772 50.9362708127405,-1.39477021403499 50.9364050924833))"^^xsd:string
← is
foaf:depicts of
← https://data.southampton.ac.uk/image-archive/buildings/100/17.jpg,
→ rdfs:label → "Faculty of Engineering and the Environment"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineeri"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "AK"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/alphaCode,
→ dcterms:description → "Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measures whole velocity fields by taking two images shortly after each other and calculating the distance individual particles travelled within this time. From the known time difference and the measured displacement the velocity is calculated."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10523"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measures whole velocity fields by taking two images shortly after each other and calculating the distance individual particles travelled within this time. From the known time difference and the measured displacement the velocity is calculated."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measures whole velocity fields by taking two images shortly after each other and calculating the distance individual particles travelled within this time. From the known time difference and the measured displacement the velocity is calculated."^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Multi Channel Data Acquisition System"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10555"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme