→ rdfs:label → "Nanomaterials Rapid Prototyping Facility"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "The NanoMaterials Rapid Prototyping Facility is a semi-cleanroom environment, equipped for the fabrication and analysis of NanoMaterials. The facility is designed to allow prototype Nano-devices to be quickly built and tested and is a collaboration between physicists, chemists, engineers, material scientists and industrialists to combine the successes of their disciplines to create entirely new ways of building on the nano-scale."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10041"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "The NanoMaterials Rapid Prototyping Facility is a semi-cleanroom environment, equipped for the fabrication and analysis of NanoMaterials. The facility is designed to allow prototype Nano-devices to be quickly built and tested and is a collaboration between physicists, chemists, engineers, material scientists and industrialists to combine the successes of their disciplines to create entirely new ways of building on the nano-scale."^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "The NanoMaterials Rapid Prototyping Facility is a semi-cleanroom environment, equipped for the fabrication and analysis of NanoMaterials. The facility is designed to allow prototype Nano-devices to be quickly built and tested and is a collaboration between physicists, chemists, engineers, material scientists and industrialists to combine the successes of their disciplines to create entirely new ways of building on the nano-scale."^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "46"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/building-code-scheme
→ dcterms:spatial → "POLYGON((-1.40008150315234 50.9344174635976,-1.40008132348929 50.934417576823,-1.40005410453618 50.9344551110177,-1.39995493052881 50.9345917737273,-1.3999454083868 50.9346046813693,-1.39992591494513 50.9346314024412,-1.39992268101011 50.9346357615977,-1.39990543335666 50.9346597086448,-1.39969900050437 50.9349433924652,-1.39963108786889 50.9350368022449,-1.39990669099805 50.9351163985516,-1.39997927487301 50.9351374015372,-1.39993382011963 50.9351999009316,-1.39964707788094 50.9351170778936,-1.39958841789289 50.9351002075642,-1.39949669990238 50.9352262819914,-1.39947585898779 50.9352549841145,-1.39975487571504 50.9353355990559,-1.39963881338033 50.9354951867898,-1.39963369298321 50.9355022065995,-1.39907925278985 50.9353419961626,-1.39915012986577 50.9352475679858,-1.39957602114197 50.9346594821952,-1.39959802986643 50.9346294776188,-1.39962974039596 50.9345852632925,-1.3996478863647 50.9345601839569,-1.39965615086531 50.9345489746784,-1.39968229184008 50.9345129690987,-1.39968327998689 50.9345116103971,-1.39979431175601 50.9343589826575,-1.39980868480056 50.9343389983503,-1.40008150315234 50.9344174635976))"^^xsd:string
← is
foaf:depicts of
← https://data.southampton.ac.uk/image-archive/buildings/1000/46.jpg,
→ rdfs:label → "School of Physics & Astronomy"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "WF"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/alphaCode,
→ rdfs:label → "Physical Sciences and Engineering"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Nanoscope 3 / Multimode Afm Microscope"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Multitasking controller for atomic force microscopes (AFM). Local ID: PH/01785"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10001"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Multitasking controller for atomic force microscopes (AFM). Local ID: PH/01785"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Multitasking controller for atomic force microscopes (AFM). Local ID: PH/01785"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Atomic Force Microscope"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Explorer atomic force microscope (AFM) capable of imaging in non-contact (NC) and contact mode. Local ID: PH/01717"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10002"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Explorer atomic force microscope (AFM) capable of imaging in non-contact (NC) and contact mode. Local ID: PH/01717"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Explorer atomic force microscope (AFM) capable of imaging in non-contact (NC) and contact mode. Local ID: PH/01717"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Zeiss Confocal Microscope"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "A Zeiss confocal microscope system which is also capable of UV writing of samples. (HeNe - 633nm, GeNe - 543nm, UV - 351nm, Arlon - 458nm, and other lines)"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10004"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "A Zeiss confocal microscope system which is also capable of UV writing of samples. (HeNe - 633nm, GeNe - 543nm, UV - 351nm, Arlon - 458nm, and other lines)"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "A Zeiss confocal microscope system which is also capable of UV writing of samples. (HeNe - 633nm, GeNe - 543nm, UV - 351nm, Arlon - 458nm, and other lines)"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Fa 6" Probe Station Package R32/6 (S/N 2930)"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "A manual 8inch wafer prober with a Leica GZ4 stereomicroscope. Local ID: PH/01713"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10007"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "A manual 8inch wafer prober with a Leica GZ4 stereomicroscope. Local ID: PH/01713"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "A manual 8inch wafer prober with a Leica GZ4 stereomicroscope. Local ID: PH/01713"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Kurt J Lesker Sputter System in the Nanomaterials Rapid Prototyping Facility"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "Lesker sputter deposition system capable depositing thin multi-layers of metallic and dielectric layers. Local ID: PH/01917"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10009"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "Lesker sputter deposition system capable depositing thin multi-layers of metallic and dielectric layers. Local ID: PH/01917"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "Lesker sputter deposition system capable depositing thin multi-layers of metallic and dielectric layers. Local ID: PH/01917"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "E-Beam Lithography Conversion Kit"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "E-Beam Lithography Conversion Kit. Raith nanolithography system capable of writing sub 100nm dimensions with up to 16bit resolution. Local ID: PH/02287"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "E10010"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "E-Beam Lithography Conversion Kit. Raith nanolithography system capable of writing sub 100nm dimensions with up to 16bit resolution. Local ID: PH/02287"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "E-Beam Lithography Conversion Kit. Raith nanolithography system capable of writing sub 100nm dimensions with up to 16bit resolution. Local ID: PH/02287"^^xsd:string