→ rdfs:label → "High Resolution Marine Geophysics"^^xsd:string
→ dcterms:description → "We have 20 years experience of collecting high resolution geophysical data for research projects as diverse as small object detection (including forensic work); wreck based surveys; Quaternary natural and archaeological landscape studies; neotectonics; and large scale sedimentological and structural analysis. We have acquired data in settings as diverse as Icelandic lakes; offshore New Zealand; the Corinth Rift; Windermere in the Lake District; and the Indus Fan. [nl]
The group has its own Chirp, Boomer and Sparker sources. These can be recorded with a single channel hydrophone onto a Coda acquisition system, or using a 60-channel 1m group spacing multichannel hydrophone onto a Geometrics Strataview recorder. The group also has several multibeam systems (Reson 8160, 7101, 8125) and a Geoacoustics sidescan sonar system. This enables to acquire data from water depths of 2000m to the coastal strip.[nl]
We also have the capability to process and interpret this wide range of data through a"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "F10074"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/equipment-code-scheme
→ rdfs:comment → "We have 20 years experience of collecting high resolution geophysical data for research projects as diverse as small object detection (including forensic work); wreck based surveys; Quaternary natural and archaeological landscape studies; neotectonics; and large scale sedimentological and structural analysis. We have acquired data in settings as diverse as Icelandic lakes; offshore New Zealand; the Corinth Rift; Windermere in the Lake District; and the Indus Fan. [nl]
The group has its own Chirp, Boomer and Sparker sources. These can be recorded with a single channel hydrophone onto a Coda acquisition system, or using a 60-channel 1m group spacing multichannel hydrophone onto a Geometrics Strataview recorder. The group also has several multibeam systems (Reson 8160, 7101, 8125) and a Geoacoustics sidescan sonar system. This enables to acquire data from water depths of 2000m to the coastal strip.[nl]
We also have the capability to process and interpret this wide range of data through a"^^xsd:string
→ dc:description → "We have 20 years experience of collecting high resolution geophysical data for research projects as diverse as small object detection (including forensic work); wreck based surveys; Quaternary natural and archaeological landscape studies; neotectonics; and large scale sedimentological and structural analysis. We have acquired data in settings as diverse as Icelandic lakes; offshore New Zealand; the Corinth Rift; Windermere in the Lake District; and the Indus Fan. [nl]
The group has its own Chirp, Boomer and Sparker sources. These can be recorded with a single channel hydrophone onto a Coda acquisition system, or using a 60-channel 1m group spacing multichannel hydrophone onto a Geometrics Strataview recorder. The group also has several multibeam systems (Reson 8160, 7101, 8125) and a Geoacoustics sidescan sonar system. This enables to acquire data from water depths of 2000m to the coastal strip.[nl]
We also have the capability to process and interpret this wide range of data through a"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "National Oceanography Centre"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "68"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/building-code-scheme
→ dcterms:spatial → "POLYGON((-1.39663239980559 50.8930507947923,-1.39641099980562 50.8929570947923,-1.39628839980564 50.8930732947923,-1.39610199980566 50.8929879947923,-1.39587149980569 50.8931965947923,-1.3951209998058 50.8928522947923,-1.39498599980582 50.8929631947923,-1.39473689980585 50.8928463947923,-1.39517089980579 50.8924761947923,-1.3950803998058 50.8924380947923,-1.39519209980579 50.8923373947923,-1.39361739980601 50.8916244947923,-1.39348319980603 50.8917348947924,-1.39405149980595 50.8919875947923,-1.39306479980608 50.8928690947923,-1.39373149980599 50.8931832947923,-1.39408429980594 50.8928971947923,-1.39426789980592 50.8929875947923,-1.39417669980593 50.8930473947923,-1.39425489980592 50.8933669947923,-1.39458659980587 50.8933330947923,-1.39456599980587 50.8932491947923,-1.39451539980588 50.8930455947923,-1.39465529980586 50.8929335947923,-1.39563519980573 50.8933876947923,-1.39558919980573 50.8934308947923,-1.39599219980568 50.8936133947923,-1.39609339980566 50.8935246947923,-1.39589579980569 50.8934392947923,-1.39632419980563 50.8930660947923,-1.3965052998056 50.8931611947923,-1.39663239980559 50.8930507947923),(-1.39488639980583 50.8923756947923,-1.39468169980586 50.8925550947923,-1.39401789980595 50.8922535947923,-1.39422259980592 50.8920742947923,-1.39488639980583 50.8923756947923),(-1.39442619980589 50.8926099947923,-1.39422269980592 50.8927871947923,-1.393686899806 50.8925424947923,-1.39389039980597 50.8923652947923,-1.39442619980589 50.8926099947923),(-1.39390499980597 50.8928118947923,-1.393699999806 50.8929915947923,-1.39335329980604 50.8928341947923,-1.39355829980601 50.8926544947923,-1.39390499980597 50.8928118947923))"^^xsd:string
← is
foaf:depicts of
← https://data.southampton.ac.uk/image-archive/buildings/100/1470820061_DSC_0193.JPG,
→ rdfs:label → "Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "School of Ocean and Earth Science"^^xsd:string
→ skos:notation → "HN"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/alphaCode,