Periodicals Q
We currently don't have a human-friendly viewer for this kind of information. Rather than display a 404, we provide the information in its raw form, for the benefit of programmers and those who understand the structure of RDF. We hope to have a proper viewer soon.
→ →,
→ dcterms:spatial → "POLYGON((-1.3951448595478 50.935019107634,-1.3951855870927 50.934960781973,-1.3949550154795 50.934896838797,-1.3949142879347 50.934955164539,-1.3949678423122 50.934970016473,-1.3950164412514 50.93498349414,-1.3950641959498 50.934996737674,-1.3951448595478 50.935019107634))"^^xsd:string