→ rdfs:label → "Lecture Theatre C"^^xsd:string,
"02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string
→ geo:lat → "50.9358336"^^xsd:float
→ skos:notation → "2-1085"^^http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ns/room-code-scheme
→ oo:access → "The room is located at the southern end of Building 02."^^xsd:string
→ oo:hasFeature → http://id.southampton.ac.uk/syllabus/room-feature/RSC-+BENCH+PC/RSC-_BENCH_PC,
→ dcterms:spatial → "POLYGON((-1.3984269861 50.9358171912,-1.3983727278 50.9358925969,-1.3983556598 50.9358876718,-1.3982435501 50.9358556866,-1.3982242363 50.9358501954,-1.3982378907 50.935830891,-1.3982600791 50.9358002645,-1.3982786742 50.9357745631,-1.3984269861 50.9358171912))"^^xsd:string
← is
foaf:depicts of
← https://data.southampton.ac.uk/image-archive/common-learning-spaces/100/B0201085A.jpg,
← is
http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/event.owl#place of
← http://id.southampton.ac.uk/ttevent/2-1085/20250314100000/20250314100000,
→ rdfs:label → "Lower ground entrance"^^xsd:string
← is
foaf:depicts of
← https://data.southampton.ac.uk/image-archive/building-portals/100/2-C.jpg,
→ rdfs:label → "Bench PC in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 02 / 1079"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 1033"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 1035"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 3057"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 2007"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 2059"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 3007"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 4003"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 4051"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 4053"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 04 / 4055"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 06 / 1081 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 06 / 1083 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 07 / 3019 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 07 / 3021 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 07 / 3023 (L/R E)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 07 / 3027 (L/R F1)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 07 / 3031 (L/R F2)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 13 / 3017"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 13 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 13 / 3021"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 29 / 2075"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 32 / 3077"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 1020"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 1025"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 2003"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 2019"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 3001 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 3011"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 4001"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 4011"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 5001"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 5003"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 34 / 5007"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 44 / 2103 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 46 / 3001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 5025 (5B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 5027 (5A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 7033 (7C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 7035 (7B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 8031 (8C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 8033 (8B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 10031 (10C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 54 / 10037 (10B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1001 (L/R A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1003 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1007 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1009 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1023 (L/R G)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1025 (S/R H)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1035 (S/R J)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1037 (S/R K)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1039 (S/R L)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1041 (S/R M)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1065"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 59 / 1257"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1093"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1095"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1097"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1133 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1143"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1145"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1163"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1173"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1177"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1201 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 2117"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 85 / 2207"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 85 / 2209"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 85 / 2211"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 85 / 2213"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65 / 1175 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 02 / 2061"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 1037"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 2017 GP Consultation Room"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 2019 T The Flat"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 2021 Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 2025 Teaching multi-purpose"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 2039 Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 2043a Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 2043b Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 3023 (S/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 4013 (S/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 5011 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 5013"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 5015"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 5017"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 7007"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 7011"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 7013"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 8009"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 8011"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 8013"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 1001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 4011 (Harvard L/TB)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 100 / 6009 (MBA Suite)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Avenue 65b / 1007"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 27 / 2042"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 27 / 2040"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 44 / Undercroft"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Boldrewood 176 L / 1125 (L/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Boldrewood 177 / 2011 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Boldrewood 185 / 3013"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in Boldrewood 185 / 3015"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in NOC 68 / 166 / 27 (Lab G2)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in SGH 9500 SAB / AA27"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in SGH 9500 SAB / AB225"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in SGH 9500 SAB / AB59"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in SGH 9500 SAB / AC21 DCR"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in SGH 9510 LPB / LC51"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in WSA 63A East / 2001 L/T B"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in WSA 63K West / 1161 (Sem Rm)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in WSA 63K West / 1163 (Sem Rm)"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in WSA 63K West / 2095 L/T A"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 27 / 2023a"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 1003 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Bench PC in 67 / 1013 Skills Room"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:comment → "A specific thing in a specific room (eg the data projector in room 2A-2065)"^^xsd:string
← is
rdf:type of
← http://id.southampton.ac.uk/syllabus/room-feature/RSC-+BENCH+PC/RSC-_BENCH_PC,
→ rdfs:label → "Data and Video Projection"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Data and Video Projection in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 1033"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 1035"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 3057"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 2007"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 2059"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 3007"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 4003"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 4051"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 4053"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 04 / 4055"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 06 / 1081 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 06 / 1083 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 07 / 3019 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 07 / 3021 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 07 / 3023 (L/R E)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 07 / 3027 (L/R F1)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 07 / 3031 (L/R F2)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 13 / 3017"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 13 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 13 / 3021"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 29 / 2075"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 32 / 3077"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 1020"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 1025"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 2003"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 2019"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 3001 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 3011"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 4001"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 4011"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 5001"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 5003"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 34 / 5007"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 44 / 2103 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 46 / 3001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 5025 (5B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 5027 (5A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 7033 (7C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 7035 (7B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 8031 (8C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 8033 (8B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 10031 (10C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 54 / 10037 (10B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1001 (L/R A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1003 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1007 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1009 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1023 (L/R G)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1025 (S/R H)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1035 (S/R J)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1037 (S/R K)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1039 (S/R L)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1041 (S/R M)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1065"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 59 / 1257"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1093"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1095"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1097"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1133 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1143"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1145"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1163"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1173"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1177"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1201 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 2117"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 85 / 2207"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 85 / 2209"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 85 / 2211"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 85 / 2213"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 1175 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Avenue 65 / 2129 (Smart Classroom)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 1037"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 2017 GP Consultation Room"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 2019 T The Flat"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 2021 Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 2025 Teaching multi-purpose"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 2039 Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 2043a Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 2043b Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 25 / 1007 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 25 / 1011 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 3023 (S/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 4013 (S/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 5011 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 5013"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 5015"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 5017"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 7007"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 7011"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 7013"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 8009"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 8011"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 8013"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 1001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 100 / 4011 (Harvard L/TB)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 44 / Undercroft"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Boldrewood 176 L / 1125 (L/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in Boldrewood 177 / 2011 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in NOC 68 / 166 / 27 (Lab G2)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in WSA 63K West / 1161 (Sem Rm)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in WSA 63K West / 1163 (Sem Rm)"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 1003 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Data and Video Projection in 67 / 1013 Skills Room"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Induction loop for hearing aid users"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Induction loop for hearing aid users in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 13 / 3017"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 13 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 13 / 3021"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 46 / 3001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 58 / 1039 (S/R L)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 58 / 1065"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 59 / 1257"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in Avenue 65 / 1133 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 85 / 2207"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in Avenue 65 / 1175 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 67 / 1037"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 06 / 1081 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 06 / 1083 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 44 / 2103 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 54 / 5025 (5B)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 54 / 5027 (5A)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in Avenue 65 / 1177"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 3023 (S/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 4013 (S/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 5011 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 5013"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 5015"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 5017"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 7007"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 7011"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 7013"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 8009"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 8011"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 6009 (MBA Suite)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 8013"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 1001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 100 / 4011 (Harvard L/TB)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in NOC 68 / 166 / 27 (Lab G2)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in SGH 9500 SAB / AB59"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in SGH 9500 SAB / AC21 DCR"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in SGH 9510 LPB / LE30"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in WSA 63A East / 2001 L/T B"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in WSA 63G South / T3007 (Sem Rm 9)"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in WSA 63K West / 2095 L/T A"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in WSA 63L West / 1011 L/T"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 67 / 1003 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in 67 / 1013 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Induction loop for hearing aid users in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Network connection for laptops"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Network connection for laptops in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 1033"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 1035"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 3057"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 2007"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 2059"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 3007"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 4003"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 4051"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 4053"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 04 / 4055"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 06 / 1081 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 06 / 1083 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 07 / 3019 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 07 / 3021 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 07 / 3023 (L/R E)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 07 / 3027 (L/R F1)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 07 / 3031 (L/R F2)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 13 / 3017"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 13 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 13 / 3021"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 29 / 2075"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 32 / 3077"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 1020"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 1025"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 2003"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 2019"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 3001 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 3011"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 4001"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 4011"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 5001"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 5003"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 34 / 5007"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 44 / 2103 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 46 / 3001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 5025 (5B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 5027 (5A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 7033 (7C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 7035 (7B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 8031 (8C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 8033 (8B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 10031 (10C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 54 / 10037 (10B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1001 (L/R A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1003 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1007 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1009 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1023 (L/R G)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1025 (S/R H)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1035 (S/R J)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1037 (S/R K)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1039 (S/R L)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1041 (S/R M)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1065"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 59 / 1257"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1095"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1097"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1133 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1143"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1145"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1163"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1173"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1177"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 2117"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 85 / 2207"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 85 / 2209"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 85 / 2211"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 85 / 2213"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1175 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Avenue 65 / 1201 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 1037"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 2017 GP Consultation Room"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 2019 T The Flat"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 2021 Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 2025 Teaching multi-purpose"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 2039 Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 2043a Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 2043b Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 3023 (S/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 4013 (S/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 5011 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 5013"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 5015"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 5017"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 7007"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 7011"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 7013"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 8009"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 8011"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 6009 (MBA Suite)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 8013"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 1001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 100 / 4011 (Harvard L/TB)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Boldrewood 185 / 3013"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in Boldrewood 185 / 3015"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in NOC 68 / 166 / 27 (Lab G2)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in SGH 9500 SAB / AA27"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in SGH 9500 SAB / AB225"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in SGH 9500 SAB / AB59"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in SGH 9500 SAB / AC21 DCR"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in SGH 9510 LPB / LC51"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in WSA 63A East / 2001 L/T B"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in WSA 63G South / T3001 (Sem Rm 6)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in WSA 63G South / T3003 (Sem Rm 7)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in WSA 63G South / T3005 (Sem Rm 8)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in WSA 63G South / T3007 (Sem Rm 9)"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in WSA 63K West / 2095 L/T A"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 59P / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 59P / 1003"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 59P / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 59P / 1007"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 1003 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in 67 / 1013 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Network connection for laptops in WSA 63G South / T3011 Materials Library"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Fixed seats - tiered in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 34 / 3001 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 46 / 3001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in Avenue 65 / 1133 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in Avenue 65 / 1201 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in Avenue 65 / 1175 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 67 / 1037"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 100 / 1001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 100 / 4011 (Harvard L/TB)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in 44 / Undercroft"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in WSA 63A East / 2001 L/T B"^^xsd:string,
"Fixed seats - tiered in WSA 63K West / 2095 L/T A"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Whiteboard in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 1033"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 1035"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 3057"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 2007"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 2059"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 3007"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 4003"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 4051"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 4053"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 04 / 4055"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 06 / 1081 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 06 / 1083 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 07 / 3019 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 07 / 3021 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 07 / 3023 (L/R E)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 07 / 3027 (L/R F1)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 07 / 3031 (L/R F2)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 13 / 3017"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 13 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 13 / 3021"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 29 / 2075"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 32 / 3077"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 1020"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 1025"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 2003"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 2019"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 3001 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 3011"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 4001"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 5003"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 34 / 5007"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 44 / 2103 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 46 / 3001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1001 (L/R A)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1003 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1007 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1009 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1023 (L/R G)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1025 (S/R H)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1035 (S/R J)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1037 (S/R K)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1039 (S/R L)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1041 (S/R M)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1065"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 59 / 1257"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1095"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1097"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1133 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1143"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1145"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1157"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1163"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1173"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1177"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 2117"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 85 / 2207"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 85 / 2209"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 85 / 2211"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 85 / 2213"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1175 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Avenue 65 / 1201 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 1037"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 2017 GP Consultation Room"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 2019 T The Flat"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 2021 Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 2025 Teaching multi-purpose"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 2039 Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 2043a Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 2043b Skills Lab"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 1001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 4011 (Harvard L/TB)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 5011 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 5013"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 5015"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 5017"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 7007"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 7011"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 7013"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 8009"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 8011"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 6009 (MBA Suite)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 100 / 8013"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 54 / 10037 (10B)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 27 / 2042"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 27 / 2040"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 176 / 1033 (Lab)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 176 / 1037 (Lab)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 176 / 1039 (Lab)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 176 L / 1101 Design & Computing Studio"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 176 L / 1125 (L/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 177 / 2011 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 177 / 3011 Design Studio"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 185 / 3013"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in Boldrewood 185 / 3015"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in NOC 68 / 166 / 27 (Lab G2)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in WSA 63G South / T3001 (Sem Rm 6)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in WSA 63G South / T3003 (Sem Rm 7)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in WSA 63G South / T3005 (Sem Rm 8)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in WSA 63G South / T3007 (Sem Rm 9)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in WSA 63K West / 1161 (Sem Rm)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in WSA 63K West / 1163 (Sem Rm)"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 59P / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 59P / 1003"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 59P / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 59P / 1007"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 23 / 1051"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 23 / 1055"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 27 / 2023a"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 1003 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in 67 / 1013 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Whiteboard in WSA 63G South / T3011 Materials Library"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Screen in Avenue 65 / 2115"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 02 / 1079"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 04 / 4003"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 04 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 04 / 4055"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 06 / 1081 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 06 / 1083 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 07 / 3019 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 07 / 3021 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 07 / 3023 (L/R E)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 07 / 3027 (L/R F1)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 07 / 3031 (L/R F2)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 13 / 3017"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 13 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 13 / 3021"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 29 / 2075"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 34 / 1020"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 34 / 3001 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 34 / 5001"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 44 / 2103 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 46 / 3001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 5025 (5B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 5027 (5A)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 7033 (7C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 7035 (7B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 8031 (8C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 8033 (8B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 10031 (10C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 54 / 10037 (10B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 58 / 1001 (L/R A)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 58 / 1003 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 58 / 1007 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 58 / 1009 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 58 / 1023 (L/R G)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1093"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1095"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1097"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1111"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1113"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1133 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1143"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1145"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1163"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1167"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1173"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1177"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 2117"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1175 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Avenue 65 / 1201 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 67 / 1037"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 44 / Undercroft"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Boldrewood 185 / 3013"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in Boldrewood 185 / 3015"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in WSA 63G South / T3001 (Sem Rm 6)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in WSA 63G South / T3003 (Sem Rm 7)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in WSA 63G South / T3005 (Sem Rm 8)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in WSA 63G South / T3007 (Sem Rm 9)"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 59P / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 59P / 1003"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 59P / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 59P / 1007"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 67 / 1003 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in 67 / 1013 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 1017"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 1029"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 1073"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 2007 LT 1"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 2063/2065 Seminar Room"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 2089 LT 2"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 4029"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 4031"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 4033"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 6027"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 6029"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 6031"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 6033"^^xsd:string,
"Screen in SJM 135 / 6035"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 02 / 1079"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1097"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1133 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1163"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2117"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1175 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1201 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 02 / 2061"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2099"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2103"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2109"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2115"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65b / 1007"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65b / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 04 / 1033"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 04 / 3057"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 04 / 2059"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 04 / 4003"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 04 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 04 / 4053"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 06 / 1081 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 06 / 1083 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 07 / 3019 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 07 / 3021 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 07 / 3023 (L/R E)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 07 / 3027 (L/R F1)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 07 / 3031 (L/R F2)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 13 / 3017"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 13 / 3021"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 1025"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 2003"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 3011"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 4001"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 4011"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 5001"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 5003"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 34 / 5007"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 44 / 2103 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 54 / 7033 (7C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 54 / 8031 (8C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 54 / 8033 (8B)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1001 (L/R A)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1003 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1007 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1009 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1023 (L/R G)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1025 (S/R H)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1035 (S/R J)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1037 (S/R K)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1039 (S/R L)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1041 (S/R M)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1065"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1093"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1095"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1143"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1145"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1167"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1173"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 1177"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2097"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2131"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2141 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2143 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Avenue 65 / 2149 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 67 / 2015 Sensory Room"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 85 / 2209"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 85 / 2211"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 85 / 2213"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 44 / Undercroft"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in Boldrewood 176 L / 1125 (L/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in SGH 9500 SAB / AA27"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in SGH 9500 SAB / AB225"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in SGH 9500 SAB / AB59"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in SGH 9500 SAB / AC21 DCR"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in SGH 9510 LPB / LC51"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in SGH 9510 LPB / LE30"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in SGH 9510 LPB / LF9"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in WSA 63A East / 2001 L/T B"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in WSA 63G South / T3001 (Sem Rm 6)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in WSA 63G South / T3003 (Sem Rm 7)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in WSA 63G South / T3005 (Sem Rm 8)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in WSA 63G South / T3007 (Sem Rm 9)"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 67 / 1003 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC) in 67 / 1013 Skills Room"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Sympodium (Smartscreen for the PC)"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Wireless internet access in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 1033"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 1035"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 3057"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 2007"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 2059"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 3007"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 4003"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 4051"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 4053"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 4055"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 06 / 1081 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 06 / 1083 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 07 / 3019 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 07 / 3021 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 07 / 3023 (L/R E)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 07 / 3027 (L/R F1)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 07 / 3031 (L/R F2)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 13 / 3017"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 13 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 13 / 3021"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 29 / 2075"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 32 / 3077"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 1020"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 1025"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 2003"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 2019"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 3001 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 3011"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 4001"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 4011"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 5001"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 5003"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 34 / 5007"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 46 / 3001 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1001 (L/R A)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1003 (L/R B)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1007 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1009 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1023 (L/R G)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1025 (S/R H)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1035 (S/R J)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1037 (S/R K)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1039 (S/R L)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1041 (S/R M)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1065"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 67 / 1037"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 04 / 3045 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 25 / 1007 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 25 / 1011 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1043 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1045 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1047 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 58 / 1049 (Computer Workstation)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 44 / Undercroft"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in WSA 63K West / 1161 (Sem Rm)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in WSA 63K West / 1163 (Sem Rm)"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 59P / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 67 / 1003 Skills Room"^^xsd:string,
"Wireless internet access in 67 / 1013 Skills Room"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Wireless internet access"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 32 / 1015"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 34 / 3001 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 46 / 2003 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 46 / 2005 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 85 / 2207"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 02 / 2061"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 67 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 67 / 1023"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 54 / 5025 (5B)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 54 / 5027 (5A)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in 58 / 1067 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in Avenue 65 / 1093"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in Avenue 65 / 1113"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in Avenue 65 / 1177"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in Boldrewood 176 L / 1125 (L/R)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in SGH 9500 SAB / AB59"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in SGH 9500 SAB / AC21 DCR"^^xsd:string,
"Video overhead projector (Recordable) in SGH 9510 LPB / LC51"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Video overhead projector (Recordable)"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates)"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02 / 1083 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 05 / 2011 (L/T G)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 05 / 2015 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 05 / 2017 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 07 / 3009 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 07 / 3019 (L/R C)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 07 / 3021 (L/R D)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 07 / 3023 (L/R E)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 07 / 3027 (L/R F1)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 07 / 3031 (L/R F2)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 27 / 2001 (L/R 1)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 27 / 2003 (L/R 2)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 1020"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 1025"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 3011"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4001"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4011"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 5001"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 5003"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 5007"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 54 / 5025 (5B)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 54 / 5027 (5A)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 166 / 27 (Lab G2)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in WSA 63A East / 2001 L/T B"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - AUDIENCE (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in WSA 63K West / 2095 L/T A"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates)"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02 / 1039 (L/T K)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02 / 1085 (L/T C)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02 / 1089 (L/T D)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02A / 2065 (L/T H)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 02A / 2077 (L/T J)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 06 / 1077 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 29 / 1101 (L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 1020"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 1025"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 3011"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 3019"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4001"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4005"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4007"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4011"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 4013"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 5001"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 5003"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 34 / 5007"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 35 / 1001"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 35 / 1005"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 44 / 1041 (L/T A)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 44 / 1057 (L/T B)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 44 / Undercroft"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 54 / 4011 (L/T 4A)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 54 / 5025 (5B)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in 54 / 5027 (5A)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 101 / 06 (Lab M)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 104 / 20 (Charnock L/T)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 166 / 21 (Lab G1)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 166 / 27 (Lab G2)"^^xsd:string,
"RSC- ACCESS - INSTRUCTOR (X) Not Egress Standard (No access for wheelchairs, difficult access for semi-ambulates) in NOC 68 / 166 / 37 (Lab T)"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 10:00am to 11:00am on 14th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 14th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 2:00pm to 3:00pm on 14th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on 14th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 5:00pm on 14th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 5:00pm to 9:00pm on 14th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 11:00pm on 15th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 9:00am on 17th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 9:00am to 11:00am on 17th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 5:00pm on 17th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 5:00pm to 8:00pm on 17th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 18th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 12:00pm to 1:00pm on 18th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on 18th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 6:00pm on 18th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 9:00am on 19th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 9:00am to 11:00am on 19th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 19th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 9:00am to 11:00am on 20th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 20th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 1:00pm to 2:00pm on 20th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on 20th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 10:00am to 11:00am on 21st March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 21st March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 2:00pm to 3:00pm on 21st March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on 21st March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 5:00pm on 21st March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 9:00am on 24th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 9:00am to 11:00am on 24th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on 24th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 5:00pm on 24th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 10:00am to 11:00am on 25th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 25th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 12:00pm to 1:00pm on 25th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on 25th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 6:00pm on 25th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on 25th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 9:00am on 26th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 9:00am to 11:00am on 26th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 26th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 12:00pm to 1:00pm on 26th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 9:00am to 11:00am on 27th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 27th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 1:00pm to 2:00pm on 27th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on 27th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 7:00pm on 27th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 10:00am to 11:00am on 28th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 11:00am to 12:00pm on 28th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 2:00pm to 3:00pm on 28th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on 28th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 5:00pm on 28th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on 1st April"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on 8th April"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on 9th April"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on 20th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 5:00pm on 8th April"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on 15th April"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 4:00pm on 23rd April"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 4:00pm on 24th April"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 12:00pm to 2:00pm on 14th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 12:00pm to 2:00pm on 21st March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 12:00pm to 2:00pm on 28th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00am to 4:00pm on 25th April"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 8:00pm to 10:00pm on 19th March"^^xsd:string
→ rdfs:label → "Room 2/1085 booked from 4:00pm to 10:00pm on 22nd March"^^xsd:string