Open Data Service, University of Southampton

Open Data Service

Carl Zeiss Axiovert 200

Widefield fluorescence microscopy system with fixed stage and electrophysiology equipment: upright stand ¿ Zeiss Axioskop 2 FS mot Burleigh Gibraltar platform and XY- stage HBO 100 incident light illuminator DAPI, FITC and Rhodamine filter cubes for fluorescence microscopy air objective (10x/0.30) water dipping objectives (40x/0.80, 63x/0.90) DIC optics AxioCam MRm monochrome camera AvioVision software for image acquisition and analysis Warner Instruments recording chamber and dual automatic temperature controller Burleigh PCS 5000 micromanipulator Axon-Instruments Axoclamp 2B Axon-Instruments Axopatch 200B Axon-Instruments pClamp 9 data acquisition and analysis software for electrophysiology

Facility: Imaging & Microscopy Centre
Part of: Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
School of Biological Sciences
Location: Life Sciences



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