Open Data Service, University of Southampton

Open Data Service

Winchester School of Art

Sorted by name

Administration (63F)
East Side (63A)
South Building (63G)
WSA Cycle store (63Z)
West Side (63K)
West Side Lecture Theatre (63L)
Winchester Temporary Facility (63P)
Winchester Temporary Toilets (F) (63N)
Winchester Temporary Toilets (M) (63M)

Sorted by number

63A.East Side
63G.South Building
63K.West Side
63L.West Side Lecture Theatre
63M.Winchester Temporary Toilets (M)
63N.Winchester Temporary Toilets (F)
63P.Winchester Temporary Facility
63Z.WSA Cycle store

Get the Data

If you're that way inclined, you can get the raw data used to create this page in various formats, as listed below.

TTLRDF/Turtle file
KMLGoogle Earth KML file
RDF.HTMLHTML visualisation of raw data

The following open datasets were used to build this page:

Buildings and Places
Local Amenities